Monday 6 October 2014

How to: Base Application

The main aim of applying base makeup is to make the skin clear and perfected, making the face into a blank canvas for the rest of the makeup. The base makeup is made up of primer, foundation, concealer and powder. Foundations can come in grease, liquid, powder or cream forms for different skin types and to achieve different finishes. An oil free base would be perfect for people with oily skin, a more moisturising base would work for people with dry skin and a powder base would work for people under frothy, with younger looking skin. 

-Translucent powder
-Foundation brush
-Buffing brush
-Small rounded brush
-Mixing palette

Step by Step:
  1. Apple cape over clients shoulders.
  2. Tell the client that you are going to wash your hands, and do so.
  3. Cleanse, tone and moisturise.
  4. Scrape some foundation with a spatula and smudge colour on the jaw and down the neck to colour match.
  5. Keep mixing different colours on either the back of your hand or on a mixing palette to get the perfect shade. (If foundation is too think, thin it out with primer or moisturiser.)
  6. Once happy with the colour, work foundation brush into foundation so there are no strikes.
  7. Start by brushing down the nose and work your way out in downwards motions. Make sure you get into the hair line, get the ears, and brush it down the neck (neck must be stretched for this). Move the brush in circular motions to work foundation into the skin, especially round the nostrils and crease of chin. 
  8. Scrape some concealer, with a spatula, onto your mixing palette or on the back of your hand and mix different colours together until you get a colour that is one to two shades lighter than the foundation. 
  9. Using a small rounded brush, place the concealer under eyes and over any imperfections. 
  10. Start to blend, use fingers if needed. 
  11. Blend any harsh lines with the foundation brush.
  12. Buff foundation into skin with a fluffy brush so that the makeup looks more skin-like and less ‘cakey’. 
  13. Using a powder puff, get some translucent powder, rub off the excess on your arm and apply in dabbing/rolling motions over the foundation and concealer. (This sets the makeup and also reduces shine.)
Before base application.
Base applied on right side of face only.

I was happy with the colour match in the end, however I found it hard at first because her face was a lot lighter than her neck and chest, due to fake tanning. Next time I will buff the foundation more into the skin to make it look more natural and skin-like. I also think I would bing the foundation further down the neck to blend the colours and to hide some discolouration. I will practice applying the base to perfect it and hopefully I will learn to be faster! 

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