Wednesday 19 November 2014

My Partner Trying Out My Design

Attempt 1

This was my partner's, Charlotte Coles, try attempt at doing my makeup design and I am really happy with the results! She followed my instructions really well and when I asked her to change something, she would instantly. 

We were talking through the look in detail so she did not complete this look in 1hr 10 (time limit), however I think that this could be sped up if she was more confident with what she was doing. I love the cracking around the lips and chin because there is so much red colour showing through and there are so many tiny cracks. I prefer the cracking around the lips,  to the cracking on the forehead and cheeks because they haven't got as many visible cracks so it just looks like a thick paste has been applied. To create these cracks on the forehead and cheeks I will need to full different facial expressions to help crack the mixture more to avoid this happening again. I also don't think that the eyebrows are textured or white enough, so I will as Charlotte to add some translucent powder in layers with the white super colour to build up the colour and to make the eyebrows look more chunky and powdery. Charlotte noticed that she kept having to go in and touch up the eyebrows because she kept brushing them with doing other parts of the face, so she made a note to remember to keep checking and adjusting them. We noticed, when doing the lips, that she had applied the mixture over the lips, so next time she will try and avoid doing this. I will inform Charlotte and make sure that she makes these changes next time the makeup is applied.

Attempt 2

I am even happier with how Charlotte's second attempt came out! The fact that I pulled different facial expression really helped the mixture crack all over the face, and not just around the lips. We noticed that the white on top of the flour and water mixture was not white enough, so she added white super colour to any areas where she thought needed a bit of extra coverage. We noticed that the makeup under the chin stopped with quite a sharp line and I thought that it would look a lot better if it was blended out further down the neck. I have therefore let my partner know that I would like her to thin the product out as it goes down the neck. My partner did get some of the flour and water mixture on my lips, which I told her previously that I did not want, so she will try not to let that happen in the timed assessment. Charlotte felt very confident with this makeup look and feels prepared for the assessment. 

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